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SRX23987821: Element sequencing of HiC library of Leptoglossus phyllopus : adult male UT Arlington
1 ELEMENT (Element AVITI) run: 57.6M spots, 17.1G bases, 8.1Gb downloads

Design: Tissue was cross-linked, digested using the enzymes DdeI and DpnII, and proximity ligated. After proximity ligation and nucleic acid purification, DNA was sheared using the Diagenode Bioruptor Pico and size-selected to enrich for DNA fragments 200-600 bp. Following fragmentation and sample purification using SPRI-beads, library preparation was performed using the NEB Next Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit and followed by the Element Biosciences Adept Library Prep Kit. The resulting HiC library was sequenced on one flow cell of an Element Biosciences Aviti system to 100x coverage of the genome size.
Submitted by: United States Department of Agriculture
Study: Genome sequencing of Leptoglossus phyllopus
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The purpose of this project is to sequence and assemble the genome of one female and one male Leptoglossus phyllopus, the Eastern leaf-footed bug, a widespread and conspicuous minor pest of many fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and ornamentals.
Sample: Leptoglossus phyllopus male HiFi/HiC
SAMN40534740 • SRS20785296 • All experiments • All runs
Name: ihLepPhyl2_male_Element_HiC
Instrument: Element AVITI
Strategy: Hi-C
Selection: Restriction Digest
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 57.6M spots, 17.1G bases, 8.1Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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